When founder Lindsay Nelson, MPA (she/her), froze her eggs in Mexico and found life-altering healing of trauma through the empowering process, she knew she couldn’t keep it to herself!

She knew she wasn’t alone in her trauma, her age and desire to pause her fertility, and how the power of being in charge of a sexual/reproductive health procedure (for once) was a game-changer.

Her primary and gyno doctors, family members and partner all remarked how she returned a bolder, less-anxious, and more decisive woman!

She took charge of her life, and changed business, location and relationships that no longer brought her meaning or empowerment. She knew she must use her years of personal and professional experience and education in trauma-informed human services to give others the opportunity of empowerment through Reproductive Choices. 

Thus, Repro Empowerment was born. 

Lindsay knows all about Sexual and Reproductive Trauma, Health and Rights.

She’s a survivor of traumas, from sexual assault to a wide variety of retraumatizing OB/Gyno procedures with doctors not trained in trauma-informed services .

Lindsay’s education includes: Bachelors in Human Services, Masters in Public Administration, Global Classes at Utrecht University, Harvard, and more on Global Health, Human Rights, Community-Based Health, and more.

She served and advocated for survivors for decades: from victims advocate to  post-prison supervision interpreter. She focused her Masters Thesis and advocacy efforts, from local to international, on trauma-informed community justice reform. Lindsay served on sexual assault hotlines and as emergency hospital and crime response. She has served sex workers and sex-trafficking survivors from Oregon, USA to Thailand.

Lindsay uses her passion for ensuring equal, legal, fair access to trauma-informed Sexual and Reproductive Health RIghts (SRHR) to:

  • Volunteer Locally in Arizona, USA, as an Escort for Planned Parenthood so everyone can have safe access to all the services they provide

  • Volunteer Globally with Stories to Action, a NGO amplifying young peoples’ stories about their SRHR rights around the world amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Advocate for state, national, and global laws and funding for SRHR. 

  • Bring Awareness about Egg Freezing & IVF options

  • Advocate for Employers and Insurers to Offer Greater Fertility Benefits as part of Holistic Health/Family Benefit Packages

  • Serve YOU!!!