Our Trauma-Informed Services


Trauma-Informed Care for Health/Fitness Professionals


Custom Trauma Informed Care trainings to increase client retention, rapport building without compromising efficiency, improve client satisfaction, and decrease liability/complaints for

  • Chiropractors

  • Primary Care

  • Sexual/Reproductive Practitioners

  • Caregivers

  • Fitness/Spa

    • Personal Trainers

    • Coaches

    • PT

    • Massage

    • Stylists- clothes, hair, etc

What to Expect Egg Freezing Process


What To Expect When You're Not Yet Expecting- Honest step by step process, from how long to start planning ahead, prelabs, doctors visits, medicines, and the day of retrieval! 


Platinum Support 


-4 weeks of unlimited texts/calls/Voxer for you & companion*

-15% Discount on in person support/future services


-Workbook- Each day what to expect, actions to take, reflections to make

-Companion Workbook

-Symptom Tracker

-Customized Google Calendar Actions/Symptoms each day

*Average response time 90 minutes within MST 7am-9pm unless in prescheduled meeting with another client. Best to schedule calls to guarantee availability. 

Egg Freezing Decision Making


I help you create lasting peace of mind through leading you through decision making process to freeze your eggs or not. Despite the outcome, this can be the most empowering process of your life, taking charge of your medical interactions with your reproductive system vs. traumatizing things that happen TO you.


Decision/Preparation Support 


-2 weeks unlimited texts/Voxer*

-(6) 30 minutes calls can be spaced out up to 4 months

-10% Discount on in person support/future services



-Budget Calculator

-Flow Chart: Possible Choices/Outcomes

-DEAR process basics 

-(optional) Questions for Partner 

*Average response time 90 minutes within MST 7am-9pm unless in prescheduled meeting with another client. Best to schedule calls to guarantee availability. 

Egg Freezing/IVF Financial Calculators


I help you calculate the real total cost for the whole process, comparing International vs Domestic options, and where Insurance, Employer Benefits, Financing or Support Funding could be available

Trauma-Informed Self Advocacy Coaching


I lead you through D.E.A.R and other processes to help you be completely in charge and empowered in every doctor visit instead of being retraumatized. Turn even a colopscopy into a positive experience.



I take my decades of knowledge and experience, paired with scientific based information and put them into E-books, Calculators, One page documents and more.

I also refer to work of other Trauma-Informed experts,  Empowerment Advocates, OB/GYNs and fertility doctors, and more.

Employers: Benefits Coaching


Struggling hiring/retaining the best candidates? 68% of employees would change a job for better fertility benefits. Let me help you develop these as part of a holistic family/health supportive package to ensure employees are embraced as whole beings and thus bring their whole selves and loyalty to the table.